In this short article, you’ll learn how Shakti Mat and Yin yoga works and why it is so beneficial to the health of our fascia.

What is a Shakti Mat/Acupressure mat?

A Shakti mat is an acupressure mat designed to stimulate pressure points on the body, alleviating chronic tension and pain and promoting relaxation. It features a surface covered with many small, plastic spikes that apply pressure when you lie on it or do Yin Yoga on it. The idea is similar to acupuncture, where pressure on specific points can improve circulation, release endorphins, and enhance overall well-being.

How does Shakti Mat and Yin yoga practice work?

In the Shakti Mat & Yin practice, we work on the tissues in 2 different ways – acupressure and stretch.

Aiming to create space in between the connective tissues or fascial layers:

  • we first do a Yin posture on the Shakti Mat to apply pressure on a specific part of the body,
  • then we do another Yin posture to stretch the same part of the body,
  • Finally we rest in Savasana or a neutral posture to experience the echo of the practice. You may experience a tingling warmth when we rest and relax. In Yin Yoga, we call this process Rebound. During this resting period, our tissues are getting rehydrated, and energy id flushing back into where we felt sensations.

When our tissues are healthy and well hydrated, there is space for energy to move through, so we feel ease, lightness and joy.

When we experience chronic pain, what happens is the fascial layers get sticky and stuck.
So this Shakti Mat & Yin practice is like working on “the issues in the tissues”.
The deep tissues will get a chance to let go of toxins and waste, then naturally be rehydrated when we come into rest.

Is it painful to do Yin Yoga on the Shakti Mat?

You may worry about the Shakti Mat spikes being prickly. It takes a little time to get used to the sensations of being in contact with the mat. However, when we let go of the initial resistance, and learn to soften into it, the practice becomes deeply relaxing.

It is a practice I enjoy every night before bedtime to help improve my sleep. Hope you’ll enjoy it too.
If you are keen to learn how to use the Shakti Mat, check out my Shakti Mat & Yin sessions in Auckland and online.

About the author
Fiona has been teaching yoga for over 15 years.  As a dedicated yoga teacher and educator, her mission is to help yogis stay connected to their yin energy, so they can be mindful in each and every moment. Read more about Fiona here

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